All posts tagged: "Welgevonden game reserve"

Smoked Salmon Mousse with Steamed Zulu Bread Melba Toast

In the early 1900s, the method of smoking was developed to further preserve salted fish, so that it could travel longer and provide sustenance to soldiers in remote locations. Who could have forecast that this mouthwatering delicacy would become a worldwide favourite for people of many cultures? One such iconic use of smoked fish is

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Makweti Sugared Shortbread Cookies

Every family has a secret and at Makweti, we think the best kind are secret family recipes, passed down from generation to generation. Many of these recipes hail from bygone eras and rich cultures. They serve as delicious reminders of age-old heritage, true treasures of the past that can be shared with family and friends

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A wild menu of survival

You are what you eat, or so they say.   Can you imagine this was true, I would think many of us would cringe to think what we would look like, how we would think or what would inspire us, based on what we had for breakfast.  Most of us, I dare say, would be horrified

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Spiced Pear, Amarula Ganache and Chocolate Roulade

The Marula tree has graced the earth since around 10,000BC, forming part of many age-old legends, a sacred and intricate thread of African culture and heritage. The local people have revered the Marula tree for hundreds of years, calling it ‘The Elephant Tree’ because its succulent fruit attracts elephants (and many other animals) from miles

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Just Ask Us! Do wild animals get tick bite fever like humans and domestic animals do?

Thank you for the question.  It’s a very relevant question for a number of reasons and one not easily answered in a short response.   There is so much we don’t know about tick borne diseases (TBD’s), and yet there is a ton of information on this as well. The short answer is “yes”, in some

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Saving the Precious Pangolin

To honour World Pangolin Day, Makweti guide, Neil Davison, asked world authority and research ecologist, Jonathan Swart, to tell us a little more about the elusive pangolin, the world’s most trafficked animal. Their discussion sheds light on what the current pangolin population faces, and what the Welgevonden Game Reserve is doing to ensure that these

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My Home, Your Home

We were drifting.  The process of going with the flow, with little effort but much to gain.  Entranced by the peace and quiet, we were focused but none the less drifting.   Up in the open grasslands close to where Welgevonden Game Reserve and Marakele National Park meet, an area dotted with numerous segwapi or white

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