
Wildlife At Makweti

JUST ASK US: We see quite a few open areas on the Reserve suddenly appear, almost as Islands, what causes this?

Colin responds. An open area may form naturally in any wooded area for various reasons. Just one example is an area where a termite mound has ceased to exist. The remaining underground plant material the termites did not consume fertilizes what was a bare area and grass grows. Grazers happen upon the area and use

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Perspective. The appearance of something relative to one another. We gain perspective daily of our own lives, our purpose in society, our roles as parents and children, of politics, religions, celebrities and more. All of us are constantly fed information from a wide range of sources, constantly changing how we see things, creating emotion and

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A Mothers’ Nature

Mothers, we all have one, whether we like it or not. They come in all shapes and sizes, colours, and temperaments. Although some may seem to think that the ‘grass is greener’ on other peoples’ mothers, there is one thing no one can deny, we cannot be without them. The role of a mother is

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JUST ASK US! How do Brown and Spotted Hyena differ in appearance and behaviour?

Neil responds. We are fortunate to host both species of southern African Hyena on the Welgevonden Game Reserve, and although their numbers are lower than that of other top predators, they feature on the ‘wanted’ list amongst Guests. Both are well adapted to the area, with the Brown Hyena being a species that inhabited the

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Giant Bullfrog

There is a little water pan on the Reserve.  For the most part it goes unnoticed, lying dry as a bone in the African sun.  A small depression of dust and sand littered with the heavy footprints of bovids who in days past plodded through it, in the hope of bringing some relief to their

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Unusual suspects

On Saturday morning we woke to Zebras alarming in the ridge behind the waterhole. As we left for Game Drive, we found fresh tracks on the road, left behind by the possible cause for the all the alarm. We stopped and investigated and pieced together an interesting sighting, not witnessed by anyone. An Aardvark had

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You are my Mate!

February, the month of ‘love’. It inspires us to reaffirm our commitments to those we hold dearest, showering them with gifts and experiences to see us through another 12 months. Love does though, exert the same level of distress on our bodies as deep fear does. Mathematically speaking, we should engage with a dozen partners

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